News & Events

The Interreligious Council of Albania awarded the highest medal “Honor of the Nation”
The Interreligious Council of Albania is a fine example of the civil public square in action, with faith communities working together for freedom, respect and

Sofia, Bulgaria – Celebrating Religious Diversity
“Everyone should live as they see fit, but always with respect for their neighbours who profess a different worldview.” Professor Garabed Minesyan of the Armenian

Ten years on from the launch of the Global Charter of Conscience…
In 2012, the Global Charter of Conscience was launched as a vision and a framework to make the world “safer for diversity” for all human

A civil public square: what would it look like?
The Global Charter of Conscience sets out a vision of “freedom of thought, conscience and religion” for people of all faiths and none. It calls

Dublin Launch – The Global Charter of Conscience is becoming a tool to open debates and protect conscience
Introducing the Irish launch of the Global Charter of Conscience on 9th May, Seán Mullan from the Evangelical Alliance Ireland said there could not be

The Charter Launch in Sweden
At the end of September the Swedish Evangelical Alliance (SEA) organised a number of events surrounding the Swedish launch of the Global Charter of Conscience.

Soul Freedom
An invited audience of 175 heard Dr Guinness deliver the inaugural Premier Annual Lecture on 28th June. His title was “Soul Freedom – living with

Global initiative calls for a new “vision” of diversity
The Global Charter of Conscience, a declaration reaffirming and supporting Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (about “freedom of thought, conscience and

Cyber-Religion: The Spread of Extremism and of Peace Through the Internet and Social Media
The Internet and social media play a central role in spreading religious and non-religious extremism globally.But both tools can be used to ease tensions and