News & Events

News, News & Events

Ten years on from the launch of the Global Charter of Conscience…

In 2012, the Global Charter of Conscience was launched as a vision and a framework to make the world “safer for diversity” for all human beings. Ten years on and what has happened to everyone’s ability to flourish as free people living with diversity? Has there been an increase in respect for freedom of thought, conscience and religion for all and the cultivation of a culture of civility?

News, News & Events

A civil public square: what would it look like?

The Global Charter of Conscience sets out a vision of “freedom of thought, conscience and religion” for people of all faiths and none. It calls for the cultivation of civility and the construction of a civil public square that maximises freedom for everyone. Is this just a utopian dream? Possibly. But it is an essential vision, not a mere cosy idea.

News & Events

Soul Freedom

An invited audience of 175 heard Dr Guinness deliver the inaugural Premier Annual Lecture on 28th June. His title was “Soul Freedom – living with our deepest differences in an age of exping diversity.